Friday, April 10, 2020

How to compile Fast Formulas in bulk mode in Oracle HCM Cloud environment

Step 1 : Navigate to Home --> Payroll --> Checklist

Step 2 : In the right hand side, click on the Task pane and under "Payroll Flows" section,
             click on the link called "Submit a Process or Report"

Step 3 : Now select the "Legislative Data Group" as "US Legislative Data Group" and under
             "Process or Report" search text box, search the process "Compile Formula".

Step 4 : Select the process and click Next.

Step 5 : Now provide the details as below :
             a> Payroll Flow : pass the value accordingly to identify the process run. It can be anything.
             b> Formula : Pass the Fast Formula name here. If we want to compile multiple Fast
                  Formulas  at once, we can use wild character like '%'.example : there are 3 Fast Formulas
                  which starts with "SM". So to compile the 3 Fast Formulas at once, we can pass
                  "SM%" in the Formulas value.
             c> Formula Type : Pass the Fast Formula type value here. If all the Fast Formulas are HCM
                  Extract rule type,then we have to pass as "Extract Rule". Pass this value accordingly.

Step 6 : Submit the process. Once the process is successful, you can validate the compilation of the
              Fast Formulas from the below navigation :
              Setup and Maintenance --> Tasks --> Fast Formulas

Note : If you are not able to see the process "Compile Formula" under Payroll Checklist, then you should assign Payroll Manager data role in your User profile.

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