After RedWood is being applied, while navigating to Add Absence functionality under Me tab, if it is throwing an Rest error, then follow the below steps to fix the issue.
Navigation where the issue occurred:
Home > Me > Time and Absences > Add Absence
Navigation to fix the issue:
Home > Tools > Security Console > Open the Employee Self Service Role in Edit mode and go to Role Hierarchy tab
Privileges which are needed to be added under Role Hierarchy tab:
1. Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
2. Use REST Service - Worker Assignments List of Values
3. Use REST Service - Absence Business Titles List of Values
4. Use REST Service - Absence Types List of Values
Now Regenerate the Employee Sef Service Abstract Role from Data Role Setup navigation
(Under Setup and Maintenance, Task Name: Manage Data Role and Security Profiles)
Also Submit the below Scheduled Processes:
1. Import User and Role Application Security Data
2. Regenerate Data Security Grants